Modular Tools
A business is more that just managing the staff schedule. We provide tools to help you manage the entire business. Subscribe to only those features you need.
Once you have the schedule made, a few simple clicks distributes copies to users via email or fax based on their preference.
Attach photos, files, weblinks and even YouTube videos to your messages. Simple user delivery
Organize those assignments and track results with organization and efficiency.
Simplify the way you create, delegate, and track projects with our project module.
Group members can store files, images, and links that may be useful to other members of the group.
Keep track of those vacation requests and never lose another note again.
We supply basic payroll functionality with password protected viewing. The account owner can designate any number of accountant managers.
Document member skills and match them with assignment needs. Check to see that daily responsibilities are covered.
Calcentrix can track and organize member receipts and figures. Group book access can be designated by the account owner and is password protected.
This is a great tool for tracking and discussing office processes and issues. Indispensable for the new hire or for seasoned employees as a quick resource.
Staff Scheduling
Intuitive interfaces and controls.
You can easily keep track of duplicate or wrong assignments. A time saver especially when working with a large number of employees.
The messaging system is integrated with the main calendar for quick reference to those employee vacation and special requests.
Receive alerts for those high priority messages. Modules are integrated with the messaging system.
You can set up automated texts to members that alerts them to important messages or items in Calcentrix. (US only)